TRy oriEnteering
Upcoming events by location: Try the permanent courses at your own time:
The best way to try orienteering is to come out to a local event and try it. Newcomers are always welcome. Dress for the weather, including good footwear ( e.g runners, trail or hiking shoes). No other previous experience or special equipment necessary. Events are great for both individuals and families, for people out for recreation, or those looking for some challenge.
If you are looking for more information about orienteering here is a easy to navigate website : Learn orienteering from VICO (Victoria Orienteering Club).
What to expect at a local event?
Sign-Up process:
Try It activities - from your home:
All about orienteering Instructional videos:
More videos about how to read a map and orienteer:
For kids:
For kids:
For more information, equipment, activities and games visit the RESOURCES page.